Friday, December 1, 2006

What is a sleep disorder?

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for feeling refreshed and alert during the day. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to get the restorative sleep they need. Sleep is a complex neurological state. Its primary function is rest and restoring the body's energy levels. Sleep consists of a rhythmic combination of changes in physiological, biochemical, neurophysiological and psychological processes. When the rhythm is disturbed or the individual processes are abnormal during sleep, a variety of sleeping disorders may result. So sleeping disorders are the disorders in sleep pattern.

A sleeping disorder disrupts and disturbs man’s overall quality of life. Most of those who have this or that sleeping disorder are completely unaware of it. Many of those who are aware of it most often don’t seek any help.

Generally speaking, sleeping disorders can be characterized by:

Sleeping disorders- difficulty falling or staying asleep,
- unrefreshing sleep
- excessive sleepiness during daytime,
- sleeping too much,
- difficulty sleeping during normal sleep hours at nighttime,
- abnormal behavior during sleep which disrupts it.

Sleeping disorders are likely interfere with your work, studies, social activities, driving and whatever. In other words they have negative effects on your physical and mental well-being. Statistics say that sleeping disorders affect at least forty million Americans each year.

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