Saturday, February 3, 2007

Polysomnogram in diagnosis of sleeping disorders

In order to diagnose sleeping disorders the so called polysomnogram (PSG) is used. It is a multiple-component test that electronically traces and fixes particular physical activities during your sleep. When you are through with testing your polysomnogram is analyzed and depending on certain polysomnographic parameters you are diagnosed whether or not you have sleeping disorders.

As a matter of fact four main types of polysomnographic studies can be distinguished:
  1. Diagnostic daytime multiple sleep latency test is used to determine how long it takes for you to fall asleep during the day. Doctors will study your daytime sleep pattern in order to reveal your sleeping disorder.
  2. Diagnostic overnight polysomnogram monitors sleep architecture (non-REM and REM sleep, arousals, etc.) and certain body functions during sleep (breathing patterns, heart rhythms, limb movements, etc.)
  3. Two-night evaluation polysomnogram and CPAP titration is conducted on the first night of the two-night protocol to monitor and make a diagnostic evaluation of the suspected sleeping disorder. In case of sleep apnea the necessary CPAP pressure required to alleviate it is determined during the second night.
  4. Split-night polysomnogram with CPAP titration is conducted in case of patients suffering severely from sleep apnea. Here the second half of the night is used to determine the necessary CPAP pressure required to alleviate the disease.

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